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Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority has new Board of Directors

The Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority has a new Board of Directors. The announcement was made during the installation ceremony on Oct. 14th 2019, at the Ministry of Communication’s conference room, in Charlestown.


Junior Minister of Health here on Nevis, the Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams, stated that the new body will run the affairs of the Authority for the next two years.


Mr. St. Clair Wallace is the new Chairman of the Board, as he was instrumental in establishing the first Solid Waste Board nearly 15 years ago. The other members of the new board are:


Ms. Latoya Jeffers; Mrs. Kimberly Hanley-Bello; Mr. Anthony Webbe; Manager of the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority, Mr. Andrew Hendrickson, Mr. Oscar Browne, Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Gender Affairs, Mrs. Shelisa Martin-Clarke and Mr. Rudy Browne the Operations Manager at the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority.


Junior Minister Brandy-Williams also acknowledged the group had the necessary experience for advancing matters pertaining to the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority.