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Patrick Howell Jr. sentenced to forty-five and a half years in prison

Patrick Howell Jr., 29 years old of Cane Garden, Nevis, appeared before High Court Judge His Lordship Patrick Thompson Jr. in the Nevis Circuit of the High Court, where he was sentenced for a series of crimes for which he was previously convicted.




Patrick Howell Jr. was initially charged on July 20th, 2021, for the murder of Travis Clarke in Nevis, along with the offenses of robbery and larceny, all committed on July 16th, 2021.




Howell has been sentenced to two years for the offence of Larceny, nine years for Robbery and thirty-four and a half years imprisonment for murder.




According to a police statement, the sentences for larceny and robbery are to run concurrently with the sentence for murder, reflecting the gravity of Howell’s crimes and their impact on the community.