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Persons using a P-class license to transport people for hire are breaking the laws of the SKN, says SKTA

Persons using a P-class license to transport people for commercial purposes or Uber-like services are breaking the laws of St. Kitts & Nevis. That’s according to representatives from the St. Kitts Tourism Authority (SKTA).




Speaking at a Taxi Operator’s Consultation held at the Marriott Resort, St. Kitts, several businessmen raised their concerns regarding the illegal operations and Director in the Ministry of Tourism, Diannille Taylor-Williams said the government, taxi operators, and the citizens of the Federation should all be concerned.




She added “on the back of your driver’s license, if you have a P-class license, the law in St. Kitts and Nevis does not allow you to drive for reward or hire. A P-class vehicle by law cannot be used for commercial purposes and if you look at your insurance, it is stated.”




Mrs. Taylor-Williams said “so you are breaking two laws immediately as you are using a P-class vehicle and a P-class driver’s license to transport people commercially for reward or hire.”




Additionally, Minister of Tourism (St. Kitts), Marsha Henderson, in response to the concerns, urged the taxi operators to report the illegal activity when they notice it happening.