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Representative from SS Board explains concept of Stimulus Payment for September ONLY

A continued Stimulus Payment for the unemployed under the Social Security’s (SS) COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund was announced for the month of September ONLY.


A release from the SS Board states, payments are scheduled to begin on Friday, 25th September 2020, in the amount of $1,000.00.


Representative from the Nevis Branch of the Social Security’s Board, Mrs. Karen Claxton-Amory, gave these details:



But there are guidelines for employers who file for the benefit on behalf of their employees and they are as follows: a certified list of all persons confirmed as laid off/unemployed due to COVID-19 as at 31st August 2020, should be submitted by employers within the Tourism and related sectors.


Applications for new applicants within this industry should be submitted with the list.  


The list from Employers and any new application forms must be submitted to the Social Security Board no later than the 18th of September 2020 at 4:00 p.m. and employers can make their submissions through the board’s drop box facilities outside of the Social Security building on the Bay Road, St. Kitts or Pinney’s Estate, Nevis.


Mrs. Claxton-Amory gave the rationale as to why September is the ONLY month for the stimulus payment:


Mrs. Karen Claxton-Amory.