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Restructured PAP Program yielding improved efficiency

Administrators have received greater appreciation of the dynamics that each beneficiary household faces which has resulted in improved services for those in need of assistance, since the restructured Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP) was rolled out six months ago (January to June 2023).




PAP provides a monthly stipend of EC $500 per month to households earning less than EC $3,000 per month. After the re-registration process was completed, priority was given to assisting households headed by seniors, persons with a disability, and persons with children in the first instance.




Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development-St. Kitts, Azilla Clarke, said that the restructuring process gave a clear definition of a household, which reduced inconsistencies that previously existed. The addition of case management, where a social worker regularly engages members of the household, also has proven valuable.




Greater insight collected from the households is also being used to help policymakers understand how society’s less vulnerable are living in a post-COVID environment.