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Sixty-Five school leavers participate in Nevis’ Summer Job Attachment Programme

Sixty-five (65) students across Nevis are currently attending the local Summer Job Attachment Programme (SJAP) organized by the Department of Youth.



After a two year hiatus, school leavers from Forms 4 to 6 have the opportunity to experience the world of work through a two week training period and then a five-week internship. 


Training began since Monday, July 4th and will last until Friday, July 15th 2022, after which the participants will undergo their internships from Monday, July 18th to August 19th, 2022. 


According to the Department of Youth “interns who have limited or no employment experience are introduced to a variety of career opportunities where they develop practical work skills, professional ethics and learn more about seeking and retaining employment.” 


Local Minister of Youth, Hon. Eric Evelyn, who attended the opening ceremony for the SJAP was quoted as saying “I wish all the young people well in their future undertakings.”