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St. Kitts and Nevis Ranked 28th in World’s most Beautiful Countries

St. Kitts and Nevis has been ranked 28th in world’s most beautiful countries, based on a list titled “The Natural Beauty Report”, which was compiled and published by


The Natural Beauty Report as the name suggests, is a ranking of the world’s most naturally beautiful countries. It follows a set of factors: volcanoes, mountains, coral reefs, protected areas, coastline, rainforests, and glaciers. To calculate the scores, each country was analyzed based on the number and concentration (per 100,000 square kilometres) of these seven factors says.


Aside from its beauty, the federation was also highlighted for its CBI programs as a plus for investors and financially independent individuals. Out of top three countries in the list, St. Kitts and Nevis offers the most countries that one can travel visa free.


In the list, Indonesia is ranked #1 as the most beautiful for 2022.