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St. Kitts & Nevis’ Independence 39 activities released

The official Calendar of Events for St. Kitts and Nevis’ 39th Independence anniversary is now on stream.


According to the roaster of events, activities began this Friday (September 9th), with the wearing of ‘green’ which represents a colour in the national flag, an Independence Challenge Walk on September 10th… … September 12th, persons are encouraged to wear ‘yellow’, September 13th, the colour ‘black’… … ‘white’ will be worn on September 14th followed by the Prime Minister’s Lecture Series… …


On September 15th, National Colours Day will continue with the colour ‘red’ along with a number of School Patriotic Programmes will be held throughout the federation.


National Heroes Day of Observance will be held on September 16th, where there will be the announcement of National Honours both in St. Kitts and Nevis and a National Heroes Day Concert on Nevis.


Independence block Parties in St. Kitts and the SKN Moves Nevis Knock Out – Public Sector vs. Private Sector on September 17th.


A State Service will be held at the Antioch Baptist Church in St. Kitts on Sunday, September 18th at 4:00 p.m.


On Independence Day (September 19th), the annual Independence Parade and Ceremony on both islands followed by the Governors Independence Cocktail in St. Kitts.


This year’s theme is: “Refocus, Recreate, Re-design: Independence 39”.