Close to the end of February 2021, UK film and television Production Company MSR Media is expected to begin shooting two feature films on Nevis.
Premier of Nevis – the Hon. Mark Brantley made the announcement at his monthly Press Conference on January 28th, 2021:
According to a Press Release issued by MSR principal -Philippe Martinez that same day, it reads as follows: “We plan to shoot four films in the Caribbean in 2021 and are overjoyed to kick off with One Year Off on Nevis. All of us at MSR Media hope to contribute to the development of the entertainment industry that will benefit the people of Nevis while offering a safe place for film productions.”
Premier Brantley also had this to say:
Premier Brantley, in explaining the economic benefits of the company filming on the island, also mentioned the job opportunities that will be made available as well as the launching of an acting school:
Premier, the Hon. Mark Brantley.