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18 students complete 6th Cycle of “Yes to Success” program

18 students have successfully completed the 6th cycle of the “Yes to Success” (YTS) training program.


Conducted at the diversion Centre at Pinney’s Nevis, the YTS program is a collaboration between the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).


The program started with 27 youths.


The VONNEWSLINE spoke with Nevis’ Minister of Social Development, the Hon. Eric Evelyn, gave these remarks while at the closing ceremony for the program.



When asked if a seventh cycle is to be anticipated, this was his response:


Nevis’ Minister of Social Development, the Hon. Eric Evelyn.


The 6th cycle included training students in pottery making, heavy equipment operation and digital job training.