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Any closure to the spate of robberies on Nevis?

“When can members of the Nevisian public, expect some closure to the recent robberies that have occurred? When will they be solved?”




The VONNEWSLINE posed those questions to the police on Nevis. This comes as for several weeks now, there have been a spate of House Break-ins and robberies on the island.




House break-ins have occurred in the Newcastle area and in the Cotton Ground District, according to Inspector Alonzo Carty of the Charlestown Police Station.




Lawmen confirmed to the VONNEWSLINE that the home of an elderly woman was broken into as well. On the evening of Wednesday November 2nd, the “Cost Me Less” store, on Beach Road, was robbed.




In addition to the abovementioned, a House break-in and Larceny occurred in Prospect, on Sunday evening, November 6th, which saw perpetrators making good their escape with an undisclosed sum of money and jewelry.




Inspector Carty has told the VONNEWSLINE that though he is not able to say when the incidents will be solved, he said “the police are working hard to solve the burglaries and violent crimes.” He urged all to “protect their property and do as much as possible.”




An appeal has also been made by Christiana Smith, a St. James’ Parish resident, who urged all to be on the lookout considering the upcoming festive season.