You are currently viewing Artificial Reef Installation Project proposals welcomed by IWEco SKN 

Artificial Reef Installation Project proposals welcomed by IWEco SKN 

Proposals are being accepted by qualified persons or organisations for the development of artificial reefs across designated areas within the St. Kitts and Nevis Marine Management Area SKN MMA. 


The requests for proposal came from the GEF IWEco SKN and the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) as part of a larger ongoing GEF IWEco Project. 


Applicants are expected to explain how they will install 12 artificial reefs within 3 designated areas in the SKN MMA. Proposals should also include plans for the installation of mooring markers buoys, reef monitoring and reporting and a capacity building and training component for primary stake holders.   


The GEF Integrated Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (GEF IWEco) project is a five year regional project that seeks to address water, land and biodiversity  resource management as well as climate change. 


IWEco’s objective is “to contribute to the conservation of Caribbean Ecosystems and the sustainability of livelihoods through the application of existing proven technologies and approaches that are appropriate for small island developing states through improved fresh and coastal water resources management, sustainable land management and sustainable forest management…” 


The expected duration of the project is 3 months, commencing from April 15th to July 15th, 2022. 


Proposals should be email to the GEF IWEco SKN Project Coordinator – Halla Sahely at