On the latest edition of the “Let’s Talk” program which was broadcasted live on VON Radio with Host, Evered “Webbo” Herbert and his Heavyweight Panelists, Roger Fyfield and Conrod ‘Niah’ Liburd, discussed the topic on ‘how a child is raised determines their decisions and actions as an adult’.
How have manners and disciplinary teachings changed from generation to generation?
Mr. Fyfield explained that many parents such as him see no problem with physical discipline in schools such as belt or ruler lashings as they keep the child in line without being brutal.
Mr. Conrod “Niah” Liburd responded to this stating:
The men discussed problems that may influence the behavior of children that go beyond the classroom. Mr. Fyfield mentioned neglect in a child’s home or the feeling of unloving parents or guardians and Mr. Liburd mentioned what they may learn via social media, influences what they view as wrong or right.
This was Mr. Herbert as he commented on the topic: