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Illegal entry at Gallows Bay: Captain convicted and sentenced

Lawmen have informed the VONNEWSLINE that the Captain of the boat that entered the Federation carrying several Haitian migrants, was convicted and sentenced on Wednesday Mar. 15th. This comes following a court hearing at the Charlestown Magistrate’s Court.




Mr. Danny Henry, a national of Dominica was sentenced to six (6) months imprisonment for entering a port that is not a formal port, 12 months imprisonment for entering the Federation without the consent of an immigration officer and required to pay $5,000 EC in six months on Customs charges or face six months in prison.




On February 3rd, Law enforcement authorities responded to a report at about 6 p.m. of a strange boat making its way to the shore at Gallows Bay, Nevis. Two males disembarked the vessel and were walking towards Bath Village. They were later found in Bath Village and were stopped and questioned.




Officers accompanied them back to their main vessel where they found fourteen Haitians, two of whom are minors. The two males were charged with the offences of Illegal Entry at a Port that is not a Formal Port of Entry and Disembarking Without the Consent of an Immigration Officer.




Resident High Court Judge, Justice Patrick Thompson, on Mar. 6th, discharged an injunction to prevent the repatriation of the Haitian Nationals. The Haitian nationals are currently detained pursuant to provisions of the Immigration Act