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LIFT SKN Portal officially opens

The LIFT SKN Portal officially opened on April 1st at It is currently open for verification of existing beneficiaries only (until May 31st, 2024). It is expected that the Portal will be open to new applicants shortly after May 31st.




At LIFT SKN (Livelihood Improvement for Family Transformation St. Kitts and Nevis), the mission is to advance individual and collective goals by providing vital support and resources. Through a range of initiatives, persons are offered: Cash Benefits: up to EC$600 per month to eligible families, Information Sessions: Tailored to expressed and implied needs, Skills Development: Opportunities for personal and professional growth.




L.I.F.T. St. Kitts and Nevis prioritizes vulnerable families earning less than EC$2,500 monthly. This include: unemployed Heads of Families, Single-Parent Households, Persons with Disabilities and Seniors 62+. At present, only individuals who are currently receiving the PAP assistance for 2024 can verify their application information.




For Eligible Seniors: The current $500 benefit is seamlessly integrated with Social Security pensions for comprehensive support. As such, when persons check their account, instead of seeing a deposit from PAP, you will simply see Social Security. The total should reflect your pension and LIFT.




The Social Security Board has partnered with the Ministry of Social Development and Gender Affairs to administer payments to seniors approved for assistance across the nation through the new LIFT programme. For more information, contact the St. Kitts Ministry of Social Development and Gender Affairs at 467-1275 or the Department of Social Services on Nevis at 469-5521 ext. 6296.