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“Murders in SKN targeted and a form of retaliation” says National Security Advisor

What is the major reason for the recent homicides in St. Kitts and Nevis? This question was put forward during a Press Conference held by the Ministry of National Security, following the recent hike in shooting incidents in the federation.




According to National Security Advisor, Mr. Lionel Rawlins, retaliation has been seen as the prominent cause of the criminal activities over the past week and prior events. Commissioner of Police also chimed in on the matter and stated that there are a number of reasons for the crimes but the increase in illegal firearms continue to play a major role.




But what can be done to halt the homicides as it relates to retaliation? This was a suggestion by Mr. Rawlins:







He also addressed the public as it relates to their safety:







The question remains; will this knowledge help curb the increase in crime?




A number of persons aired their views on Social Media after the Press Conference about Mr. Rawlins’ message to all citizens and residents of the federation.




1 person wrote… “This is sad and we are being made the laughing stock for all, but the responsibility lies with one man and one man only. Tell him to come home and take charge of the job he campaigned for, otherwise someone else should step up to the plate. National security, health and finance are huge portfolios and need time and dedication for success”.




Another wrote… “Absolute nonsense. And a slap in the face to the families of the victims of these crimes. Is the National Security Advisor really advising MURDERERS to flee now and evade prosecution”?!?!




A third wrote…”That’s your best advice for grieving mothers? Lord please hold my tongue today.”




And…, “There is absolutely no leadership on security and criminal matters… none! Where is the PM? The uptick in murders recently is a “State of Emergency!” We don’t want to hear from no advisor! The buck stops with the PM, not his messengers” says another.