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New Deputy Clerk of National Assembly welcomed by MP’s to his post

Mauriel Knight is the new Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly and was welcomed to his new post by Members of Parliament on Wednesday February 8th.




Mr. Knight is 19-years-old and gained a greater appreciation for Parliament and parliamentary procedure when he joined the St. Kitts National Youth Parliament Association (SKNYPA) in 2019. He held several posts in the youth organization, including Vice President in 2019 and Chair of several committees, before being elected President in 2021.




Mr. Knight said it was a proud moment to be selected to fill this post in the National Assembly. In introducing Mr. Knight during the first parliament sitting for 2023 on Wednesday, Speaker of the National Assembly, Lanien Blanchette, said that the young man is prepared for the role.




Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister of Youth Empowerment, Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, congratulated the new deputy clerk, noting that he is extremely proud of the integral role he has had in moulding Mr. Knight’s development.




After which, Prime Minister, Dr. Terrance Drew also commended Mr. Knight whom he described as “very astute and dedicated.”