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Plant care and Landscape Maintenance workshop to be held soon

A workshop on Plant Care and Landscape Maintenance will be held at the Malcolm Guishard Recreational Park from Monday, March 20th to Friday, March 24th 2023.




Park Manager, Horticulturist and Lecturer, Mr. Dane Sandiford during a recent interview with the VONNEWSLINE, stated that the workshop is designed to give all types of plant care personnel, the knowledge they need to do their jobs well. The workshop forms part of a series of activities designed by the park’s management to give back to the community.




Mr. Sandiford spoke about the topics that will be taught during the workshop:







He then explained the format:




Mr. Dane Sandiford.




The deadline for registration is on Monday, March 20th 2023. Daily sessions will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.