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Political Campaigns heat up, as Election Day draws near for Nevis

As Election Day draws near, the three political parties taking part continue their campaigns.




Monday evening, December 5th, saw a campaign meeting from the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) in Brick Kiln Village. The Party’s Leader, Dr. Janice Daniel- Hodge spoke during the meeting and had this to say:







Meanwhile, the Concerned Citizen Movement (CCM) campaigned in Cotton Ground that same evening. Premier and Leader of CCM, Dr. Hon. Mark Brantley during his message says his party remains honest:








Also weighing in on the upcoming elections was leader of the Moral Restoration Movement (MRM), Mr. Samuel Caines.




He wrote on his Facebook page that “It’s a real shame that the Premier has done what his many predecessors have done over the years re-calling the election and giving the electorate and opposition parties a mere three weeks to get ready given the extent to which he was against it.” end quote.




A total of 12 persons were Nominated on Monday. 5 from both the NRP and CCM while the MRM Party currently runs with 2 nominees. Election Day is set for Monday, December 12th, 2022